Privacy certification

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Finally, there's a reliable privacy certification called BC5701. It helps you check if your organization follows GDPR privacy rules and lets you get a certificate approved by European Data Protection Authorities to prove your compliance.

How we work

First, we do a privacy scan to see what you have and what's missing. Then, we help you fill in the gaps, not just by taking actions but also by creating a privacy management system. This system lets you demonstrate that your organization is in control and compliant, even if you don't want the certificate right away. Finally we support you during the audit.

Why us?

We've done plenty of privacy scans and implementations, and we know what it takes to get certified. We're familiar with various privacy frameworks, and we understand the challenges you might face. Plus, we're experienced in privacy management and we can help you plan activities. Bonus: we also know security certification (ISO27001), so we make sure you're not doing double the work. Ready to take control?

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